Newborn Visits
After your newborn is discharged from the hospital, please schedule an appointment for a newborn follow-up visit one to two days after discharge, or sooner if you have other concerns. Please bring all discharge paperwork for your newborn including the “history & physical” form.
If your newborn was discharged from the hospital with special follow-up instructions from the doctor, please call us and schedule your appointment accordingly. Again, appointment slots are always available for your newborn.

Well Visits
For well child care, such as immunizations and check-ups, please make an appointment as early as possible. Demand may vary throughout the year so we encourage you to call as early as possible to schedule a well visit. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your appointment time so that any required paperwork (ex. change of address or telephone number) can be handled before your scheduled time.

Sick Visits
Please contact our office for an appointment as soon as you think you might need to be seen. We have sick appointments available every day. A sick child should not have to wait days to be seen.